Dusting At Dust
Beaded Landscapes and Flower Garden is a series dear to my heart. While working in Santa Fe, New Mexico on an opportunity of a lifetime with two dearest friends. I found myself with no projects to keep myhands and mind busy. To my surprise mydear friend handed me a heavy roll of fine brass wire, I located a crochet hookand began. Veryday the sites of this magical place would touch myheart and be the inspiration for mymind. Santa Fe was the inspiration for this Beaded Landscapes, and Flower Garden along with Woven Landscapes Baskets. I felt so touched bynature it was fabulous! Dusting at Dusk: Santa Fe, New Mexico we would take trips up the mountainside after a full weekof work. On one of these trips late on an October evening the golden yellows of the aspens had fallen to the ground leaving the strong pillers of white standing alone with the evergreens as they faced the up and coming chill in the air. Climbing higher and higher as we reached 7000 feet above sea level the evergreens bows where now covered with a dusting of angle dust. With little moisture in the air the skiers floats on angle dust. How dreamy is that.
Brass wire, keishi pearls, giwa rebone keishi pearls, freshwater pearls, sunstone, pinkperuvian opals, auquamarine, amber, emerald, bronze coral, rhodochrosite, crystal, glass, metal, soft buckskin
14 days from receiving item, in original condition. Buyer is responsible for half of the return shipping costs.